Tuesday, 22 December 2015

New Year Resolutions | Blogmas | Day Twenty-Two

It's time to start thinking of things I would love to achieve and do in 2016! I still can't believe i'm writing about 2016 when it feels like only last month it was January! I have a bucket list of what I want to do and where do go and also what I'd love to achieve on my blog. So here goes! 

1. Go on my first holiday with my boyfriend. We always talk about going away but never actually do it, so i'm hoping 2016 is the year to go away somewhere nice and relax.

2. Find a perfect place with my boyfriend. We are moving away next year and i'm really hoping we find a lovely first home together. It's a really exciting time planning and talking about it and we've already bought bits and bobs. 

3. Have 1000 followers on my blog, through google+ or bloglovin'. Now to some that might not seem a lot but I don't have a lot of followers so I'd love to get my blog heard and meet some amazing people through that.

4. Go to Harry Potter World. Now when my boyfriend, Colin reads this he will be so chuffed with himself. Only a few weeks ago I watched all of the Harry Potter movies for the first time, saying I would NEVER watch them as I wasn't too fussed on it, but they really surprised me and now i'm kind of obsessed! 

5. Start a Youtube channel. I hate the way I sound and don't have a lot of confidence but I need to pluck up the courage and finally go for it! 

6.  Go to college and do a beauty course. I love all things beauty related and I want to have a career that I love, not one that I'd do but not be happy doing! 

7. See Demi Lovato live, and hopefully meet her! I've dreamed about seeing Demi for a long time now and I'd do anything to see her! I really hope 2016 is the year!

8. Be happy. It's a simple thing but I want a happy year without anyone getting in the way of that. It's been a tough year but 2016 is a new year and I really hope it's a good one! 

What are your New Year Resolutions? Let me know in the comments below! 


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